Sunday, 31 May 2009


First of all an update - I have just watched the DVD of On The Buses that I borrowed off my friend, those old shows are just so funny, I was in stitches. It was just what I needed when I had the kids playing up. I think Olive and Arthur are brilliant and they made it for me - Olive bless her just can't get it right. I love Anna Karen as Olive but I do not like Aunt Sal in Enders so I had to kind of forget her in that.

After a day of having the kids play up I decided on a lovely de-stressing bath - one of those bath's that is really hot and you really relax. I'd just got in when the baby started crying but I worked out if I put my head under the water I could not hear that. Then when I popped my head up I looked up and saw a spider crawling up the wall by my head, watching me in all my glory - I was so not amused so with the baby still crying I thought it was time to make my way out of my de-stressing bath!!!

1 comment:

  1. firstly thats totally bad that your destress was so bad... secondly love the so not amused reference to the best of the best shows lol

